Don’t Let a Phobia Of Needles Keep You From Living Your Life.
If just thinking it causes you to start to feel the fear, it’s time you did something about it. The good news is that we have never met a case of phobia of needles that could not be overcome.
If you are ready to put this behind you once and for all, here’s what we offer at CTRN:
- Phobia of needles better or gone in as little as a day
- Absolute anonymity and complete discretion
- Clients in over 70 countries around the world
The Next Step
We’ve developed two programs based on how much help you need. We have the Home Study program (where you can go at your own speed), or you can work with a board-certified expert practitioner in our one-on-one program:
Home-Study Program: Vanquish Fear & Anxiety
Download Now or Order as shipped CD’s and Workbook
• Get Underway Instantly & Download Now
• Go at Your Own Speed in the Privacy of Your HomeOne-on-One ‘VIP’ Program
Custom Program Developed for you by Your Expert Practitioner
• Board-Certified Practitioner
• Sophisticated Suite of Techniques to Remove Underlying Fear
Getting rid of Phobia of Needles: How It Works
Bottom line? Your subconscious mind needs to be re-trained. Your rational mind knows that your Phobia Of Needles is illogical. The reason the fear continues is because the subconscious has connected it to a wave of dominant negative feelings which occur automatically when you even think of needles or pins.
Up to now, you have not had the techniques to reprogram those connections or feelings, so they feel out of control. We’ll help you learn this simple system to make the fear history. Are you ready to get started?
- A Board-Certified Practitioner is ready to speak with you. Contact Us Now Contact Us Now >
The Only Real Solution to Your Fear
Here’s the thing, our system does not treat or cure your fear. YOU are the one with the authority to modify your perceptions. As you go through this process, we will help you with educational information (and hand-holding) when you need it.
You will learn how to cultivate positive feelings while learning to combat and eventually vanquish negative feelings that cause your fear. No one should have to go through the continuous suffering you are experiencing. You can’t live your life in fear anymore – it’s time to change.
Vanquish Phobia of Needles Today.
Risk Factors & Causes for Aichmophobia
Phobia of needles in many (but not all) cases is triggered by a nasty experience in the past. In some cases, the mind has seemingly, without basis, created the fear. To locate the foundation, and substitute encouraging connections in place of the negative ones, is the solution. Those most at risk are:
• Individuals who possess tendencies of apprehension
• People characterized as skittish, energetic, easily upset, nervous
• Someone who deals with adrenal insufficiency
Do these even slightly describe you? You can see testimonials from individuals who know our our capability to make a difference.
Or, see what the media has to say.
How to Know If This System is for You
To find out the gravity of the problem for you, use our 2 minute Online Assessment for Phobia of Needles Online Test although it is fairly clear cut: It is time to do something about the fear, if it is having a significantly negative effect on your life.
- Does the thought of Needles Or Pins make you nauseous?
- Does your mouth go dry and your palms get sweaty?
- Does your heart feel like it’s going to pound right out of your chest?
- Do your legs go weak?
These are only a few examples of the things one can feel. If you want to understand more about the symptoms of Phobia Of Needles, click here.
Not only do we deal with the symptoms, we locate the foundation. Our goal is to have you get rid of the root cause of the fear.
Drugs and Prescriptions
We strongly believe that drugs are not a good solution for any Aichmophobe, but you should always follow your physician’s advice with regard to drugs/meds and Phobia of Needles. Drugs may produce a short-term improvement by masking symptoms, but they never tackle the core problem of the overwhelming automatic fear response to needles or pins.
There is no drug specifically for Phobia Of Needles – so it’s hard to justify popping a pill as a healthy solution with all the uncertainty that surrounds potential side effects.
The good news is with our help, you will conquer your Phobia Of Needles, without drugs..
Next Action
- Learn about The VIP One on One Program:
The VIP Program for Phobia of Needles- Discover The Home Study Program:
Vanquish Fear & Anxiety for Phobia of Needles
Or learn more about Phobia of Needles: