Don’t Let a Fear Of Swallowing Keep You From Living Your Life.
If just thinking it causes you to start to feel the fear, it’s time you did something about it. The good news is that we know for sure: there’s no question you can overcome fear of swallowing.
If you are now ready to have this over and done with, here’s what you can expect from us:
- Fear of swallowing significantly improved, maybe even gone within a day
- Complete confidentiality and privacy
- Clients in over 70 countries around the world
Get Started Now
We can help you two ways. Our programs are designed to help you do it yourself with the Home Study program or get board-certified help with our one-on-one program:
Home-Study Program: Vanquish Fear & Anxiety
Download Now or Order as shipped CD’s and Workbook
• Download Now and Start Immediately
• Work Privately on Your Own TimeOne-on-One ‘VIP’ Program
Custom Program Developed for you by Your Expert Practitioner
• Board-Certified Practitioner
• Advanced Techniques to Eliminate Underlying Fear
How This System Works
Re-’wiring’ your unconscious mind is the key to this program – and its safe and surprisingly easy to do. Consciously, you know your fear of swallowing doesn’t make logical sense. If it did everyone would have it. The reason the fear continues is because the subconscious has connected it to a wave of dominant negative feelings which occur automatically when you even think of swallowing or eating.
Up to now, you have not had the techniques to reprogram those connections or feelings, so they feel out of control. We’re here to teach the techniques to you. Are you ready to get started?
The Only Real Solution to Your Fear
We’re going to leave the terms ‘treating’ and ‘curing’ to the medical profession. YOU are the one with the authority to modify your perceptions. Quite simply, we are here to hold your hand through this method of self-empowerment.
The methods in our program will teach clear-cut steps toward gaining self-belief, peace and joy, as well as proven procedures to conquer your negative emotions. Time to say enough is enough. Are you ready to interrupt the cycle of destructive thinking?
Vanquish Fear of Swallowing Today.
Risk Factors & Causes for Phagophobia
The root cause of Fear Of Swallowing is often (but not always) traumatic incident in the past. The mind will, in some situations, generate the fear without an apparent cause. By exposing the root cause, you will be able to remedy the problem by easily exchanging harmful triggers. Those most at risk are:
• Those who have a general predisposition for fear and anxiety
• Ones who are characterized as ‘high-strung’
• Someone who deals with adrenal insufficiency
Do these even slightly describe you? See what others like you are saying about working with us.
Would you like to read about us in the media instead?
How to Know If This System is for You
Use our 2 minute Fear of Swallowing Online Analysis to discover the magnitude of the problem for you, but it is pretty simple. Now is the point in time to take control, if the fear is considerably taking over your life, in a negative way.
- At the mere mention of Swallowing Or Eating, do you develop nausea?
- Do your palms get clammy and your mouth feel like cotton?
- Does your heart rate instantly sky-rocket?
- Do your legs turn to rubber?
These are just a few examples of symptoms people can experience. Read more on the symptoms of fear of swallowing.
We can help you get rid of not just the symptoms, but the cause. It’s what we’re all about
Medications & Prescribed Drugs
While you should always follow your doctor’s advice with a drugs and medication for Fear of Swallowing, we are generally not in favor of using pharmaceuticals and recommend an approach that tackles the root cause of the problem, whether or not you choose to work with us. Pills might help you cope with your Fear Of Swallowing but only in the short term – they will not, in reality, help you eliminate it forever.
There is no drug specifically for Fear Of Swallowing – so it’s hard to justify popping a pill as a healthy solution with all the uncertainty that surrounds potential side effects.
The good news is with CTRN you will overcome Fear Of Swallowing, without prescription pills..
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- Learn about The VIP One on One Program:
The VIP Program for Fear of Swallowing- Discover The Home Study Program:
Vanquish Fear & Anxiety for Fear of Swallowing
Or learn more about Fear of Swallowing: