Fear Of Bike? It’s Over.
If just thinking it causes you to start to feel the fear, it’s time you did something about it. The good news is that we have never met a case of fear of bike that could not be overcome.
Our goal at CTRN is to help you overcome this fast and fully:
- Fear of bike significantly improved, maybe even gone within a day
- Utter discretion
- Experience with clients in over 70 countries
How to Get Started
We can help you two ways. You can choose to experience the Home Study program (going at your own pace on your own time), or choose to work one-on-one with a highly-qualified practitioner:
Home-Study Program: Vanquish Fear & Anxiety
Order as Boxed CD’s & Workbook or Download the Program Now
• Get Underway Instantly & Download Now
• Privately Work at Your Own SpeedOne-on-One ‘VIP’ Program
Personalized Program Developed with Own Practitioner
• Private Sessions with Board-Certified Specialist
• Advanced Techniques to Eliminate Underlying Fear
How the Program Works: Getting Over Fear of Bike
Bottom line? Your subconscious mind needs to be re-trained. You know that Fear Of Bike isn’t working for you. But it affects you because your unconscious mind has associated bicycles with fear and perhaps a bunch of other negative emotions and they get triggered automatically – like clockwork – every time.
Until now, you just haven’t had the techniques for re-programming those connections. We are here to teach you on how to use the right techniques to vanquish the fear forever. Are you ready to get started?
- Contact us now to speak with a specialist. Contact Us Now >
It’s Time to Vanquish Your Fear of Bike: Treatment & Cure
Unlike other solutions, we don’t promise you a cure for your fear. As much as we’d like to wave a magic wand and ‘cure’ you, it’s actually up to you to change how you feel. We are here purely to teach, and to hold your hand as you walk through the procedure that enables you to make it happen.
The process educates you with exact steps on how you gain self-confidence, calm and happiness, as well as proven methods to overcome anger, sadness, fear, hurt, guilt and anxiety. You know what living with your fear has done to your quality of life. Harmful thinking isn’t helping – you need to make some serious changes now.
The Triggers and Factors that Cause Your Fear
An really disturbing incident from the past, is often (though, not always) the root cause of Fear Of Bike. The fear can be manufactured by the brain, in some circumstances, with seemingly no foundation. The key is digging down to the source and replacing negative associations with more positive emotions. Individuals utmost at risk are:
• Those who have a general predisposition for fear and anxiety
• Ones who are characterized as ‘high-strung’
• People suffering from adrenal insufficiency
Do those, in any way, represent you? Click here to see what individuals like you are saying about our capability to make a difference.
Or you can <see what the media> is saying.
The Warning Signs You Should be Looking For
Uncover the seriousness of the issue for you by using our 2 minute Test Online for Fear of Bike …however it’s pretty obvious: If this phobia is having a significant negative impact on your life, its time to do something about it.
- Do you become queasy at the smallest idea of Bicycles?
- Does it trigger a dry mouth and clammy hands?
- Does your heart begin to race?
- Do your legs feel as if they will give way?
These are just a few examples of symptoms people can experience. Click to find out more about the symptoms of fear of bike.
We help you with the symptoms, as well as find out the basis for them. This is what CTRN is all about
Prescription Drugs & Medications
While you should always follow your doctor’s advice with a drugs and medication for Fear of Bike, we are generally not in favor of using pharmaceuticals and recommend an approach that tackles the root cause of the problem, whether or not you choose to work with us. Drugs may produce a short-term improvement by masking symptoms, but they never tackle the core problem of the overwhelming automatic fear response to bicycles.
There hasn’t been a medication created specifically for treatment of Fear Of Bike, just general broad-application meds – and with so many potential side effects, who wants to risk taking medication as a solution?
The good news is with our program, your Fear Of Bike will be history, without resorting to meds..
Next Action
- Learn about The VIP One on One Program:
The VIP Program for Fear of Bike- Discover The Home Study Program:
Vanquish Fear & Anxiety for Fear of Bike
Or learn more about Fear of Bike: